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BodyFX Explained: Candidacy, Non-Invasive Process, and Recovery Time

Have you ever spent weeks or months focusing on living clean – dieting, exercising, drinking plenty of water – only to see some stubborn fat spots remain? This can be incredibly frustrating and can make it hard to feel good about your body. You may even wish you could just zap that fat and melt it away.

With BodyFX, you can do exactly that. This procedure uses unique, noninvasive techniques to erase problem spots and tighten up your skin at the same time. Read on to learn more about how BodyFX works and who’s a good candidate for the procedure.

What Is BodyFX?

BodyFX is a noninvasive body contouring procedure that helps you remove unwanted fat without having to go through the pain of surgery. Even if you diet and exercise, chances are you still have a few stubborn fat deposits that refuse to go away. But you may not want to deal with the discomfort and recovery period that come with liposuction.

BodyFX is noninvasive, and it can have amazing results. In addition to removing unwanted fat, the procedure can also improve the appearance of cellulite in treatment areas. And since you don’t need any recovery time, this can be a simple, convenient way to get the body you’ve always dreamed about.

How It Works

BodyFX sends out waves of radio frequency at a specific setting into your body. These waves cause tissues, including both fat and skin tissues to contract. This forces the fat molecules to break down, destroying them and tightening your skin at the same time.

In the weeks after your BodyFX procedure, your body will flush away the broken-down fat tissues. Your skin will continue tightening as those extra fat pads vanish into thin air. After six to twelve weeks, you’ll be able to see a noticeable difference in those areas you’ve struggled with for years.

Recovery Time

Because procedures like liposuction are surgical, they come with a recovery time of a couple of weeks. But one of the wonderful things about BodyFX is that you have no recovery period at all. You could go get this procedure done on your lunch break and return to work immediately.

BodyFX does have some small side effects, but they are no worse than those you might see from a deep tissue massage. You may notice some minor redness and swelling at the treatment site, but that should fade. You may also be a little sore after the treatment, but that should go away within the first day or two at most.

What to Expect

During your BodyFX procedure, a doctor or technician will be present the whole time. They will use a small handheld device to treat the targeted area for fat removal. You should not need to take any special preparation measures before the session, but talk to your doctor to make sure.

The handheld BodyFX wand will suction up small areas of skin for several seconds as the treatment works. Your doctor or technician will alternate treatment areas to keep one area of skin from becoming too irritated. The handpiece will warm up to a little warmer than body temperature, but you shouldn’t feel any pain.

Sessions last between half an hour and an hour, depending on how large of an area you’re contouring. Your doctor or technician may recommend you come back for several sessions throughout a four to eight week period for best results.

Ideal Candidates 

In general, BodyFX is useful for trimming off that last bit of stubborn fat you can’t manage to get rid of. This procedure is not designed for general weight loss, and if that’s your goal, sticking to a good diet and exercise is your best bet. By the time you go for BodyFX treatments, you should be in good health and at a stable weight.

This procedure is also not recommended for people who have implanted medical or electrical devices, including a pacemaker or an insulin pump. The radio frequency waves that this technique uses can interfere with these devices. If you have questions about whether you qualify for BodyFX, call us for a free consultation


The cost of your BodyFX treatments will depend a lot on which areas you want treated. Multiple areas or larger areas will cost more, and you may have to pay more for additional sessions. But if your doctor advises it, more sessions could get you better results.

In general, BodyFX treatments start around $2,000 per zone if you are to do 8 treatments. This is about a third of the cost of traditional liposuction, and you don’t have to deal with the recovery time. Although insurance often doesn’t cover these kinds of cosmetic procedures, it’s worth checking to see if you might have a medical justification for the procedure that would get it covered on insurance.

How Long Results Last

Within three months, you should start seeing the results of your BodyFX treatments. And for several weeks, these effects will continue to improve. But BodyFX is not a permanent procedure, especially if you gain that weight and extra fat back.

If you want to maintain the effects of your BodyFX treatments, you’ll need to go for follow-up sessions every three to four months. Otherwise, your results may fade within a year. But after your initial treatments, you may see results continue to improve for as long as six months!

Learn More About BodyFX

BodyFX can be a great way to help get the body you’ve always dreamed of in just a few short weeks. The procedure has no recovery time, making it more convenient than ever. And while you’re destroying fat cells, you can also tighten up cellulite and hone in on problem areas to airbrushed perfection.

If you’d like to learn more about BodyFX, come see us at Ageless Living. We are here to help you be your best self at any age. Contact us today to start feeling amazing in your skin with one of our many services.

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Megan Nicholls

Megan graduated with honours in 2011 from Georgian College, Ontario, as a practical nurse. She has completed extensive training and certification in the fields of dermatology and aesthetic medicine. Megan specializes in BOTOX® and filler injections, medical-grade skincare, assessment and treatment of varicose and spider veins, and the application of light and energy-based technologies, to name a few. She is qualified as a Certified Management Professional, and a Certified Aesthetic Consultant and is currently undertaking a Master's Degree in Business Administration. Megan serves as our Director of Operations, where she leads our team with the vision of providing unrivalled products and services while utilizing the concepts of the "Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health" program from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.