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Everything you need to know about professional teeth whitening

Everything You Need To Know About Professional Teeth Whitening

A smile can brighten anyone’s day, but for some of us flashing our teeth can cause distress and anxiety. Because of this, teeth whitening is becoming more and more popular amongst people of all ages and genders.

If you don’t think your teeth are as bright as they used to be and it’s damaging your self-confidence, professional teeth whitening might be the answer you’re looking for.

When we get older, our teeth naturally get darker and can become stained from certain foods and drinks (we’re looking at you coffee and wine). Our teeth can even become discoloured from smoking. 

However, professional teeth whitening services can help reverse (or at least slow down) this discolouration process. It can help bring your smile back and make you feel more confident about your appearance. 

Let us brighten your smile today by showing you how effective teeth whitening is! 

What is teeth whitening?

Teeth whitening is an incredibly popular cosmetic treatment and an effective way to brighten your teeth. It doesn’t make a complete colour change but it can lighten the existing colour by several shades. 

Professional teeth whitening is the most popular method of teeth whitening because, unlike the do-it-at-home kits, you can be assured that you’re getting sound professional advice and care.

Teeth whitening is a non-invasive cosmetic procedure that has given our patients beautiful and stunning results. 

Are at-home teeth whitening kits good?

There are a range of home whitening kits available in local stores including paint-on whiteners and strips. These options don’t always provide you with the most successful results though. They also aren’t always assessed for safety. 

Many at-home whitening kits can be more acidic than the professional supplies, and the amount of whitening agent used is different from product to product. This means that they could potentially damage your teeth and gums. 

Tooth whitening is a complicated procedure which is why we always advise people to talk to their dentists or a specialist, like our dental hygienist.

How does professional teeth whitening work?

Before starting any treatment, our dental hygienist will first let you know if you’re a suitable candidate for the treatment.

During the treatment, a rubber shield or gel is placed on your gums to protect them from the whitening product. 

The product helps remove any internal stains on the teeth and whitens them to give you the winning smile you’re after. 

How long does it take to see results from teeth whitening?

How long teeth whitening takes will all depend on what kind of results you’re after. 

For those with only slight discolouration on their teeth, it may lift after one session.

Depending on the level of discolouration and staining on your teeth, you may have to complete a few sessions to see a greater improvement. 

Are there any negative effects of teeth whitening?

Professional teeth whitening has no negative long-term effects on:

  • Your tooth enamel
  • Strength of the teeth
  • Strength of your dentine 
  • Strength of your gums

After the procedure, however, you might get some sensitivity with your teeth. This is usually very mild and goes away after 48 hours or so. We recommend purchasing a gel or specialized toothpaste to help reduce sensitivity. 

Our team can also provide you with tips that might help reduce sensitivity symptoms. 

How long do your teeth stay white after teeth whitening?

The effects of teeth whitening will vary from person to person and it really depends on your lifestyle. 

For example, if you consume foods or drinks that stain your teeth like tea, coffee, or red wine then you’ll restain your teeth faster. 

If you avoid these kinds of drinks along with sugary candy then your teeth should remain white for longer.  

How to maintain your teeth after teeth whitening

Maintaining your teeth after teeth whitening is the same as you would before. You can help keep your teeth glistening by cutting down on the amount of junk food, high sugar and carbonated drinks you have. 

If you smoke, consider quitting, as this can put a serious strain on not only the colour of your teeth, but the health of them too. 

How much does professional teeth whitening cost?

Buying a home kit like whitening strips can cost anywhere between $20-$200, depending on where you get them and what type it is. 

Most professional teeth whitening services can cost around the $500 mark. 

This might seem more expensive at first glance, but professional teeth whitening services are definitely worth paying more for than the DIY at-home kits. 

For example, our in-house whitening treatment includes an hour and a half with our registered dental hygienist. 

During this appointment, you won’t just receive professional advice from our dental hygienist but you’ll also be able to relax while being treated with a paraffin treatment.

Home techniques require a lot of ongoing maintenance and they don’t come with the professional consultation that assesses safety & appropriateness prior to use. Home kits can also damage your tooth enamel and might not give you the results you’re looking for. 

Will teeth whitening work for me?

There are times where teeth whitening might not be the right cosmetic procedure for you. 

The gels used only really work on natural tooth structure. This means that if you have dental work like crowns, veneers or dentures then the gel won’t work on them. 

Don’t let this put you off from using teeth whitening as a way to get your award-winning smile back though. 

If you have any discoloured dental restorations these can be replaced with brighter ones after your treatment. 

If you’d like to bring back your smile and get your teeth bright and sparkling, consider talking to our dental hygienist to see if teeth whitening is the solution for you. 

If it sounds like the right treatment for you, your first step is to give our clinic a call

Our amazing team will walk you through the booking process, cost and treatment plan. 

You’ll have your show-stopping smile back in no time.

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Megan Nicholls

Megan graduated with honours in 2011 from Georgian College, Ontario, as a practical nurse. She has completed extensive training and certification in the fields of dermatology and aesthetic medicine. Megan specializes in BOTOX® and filler injections, medical-grade skincare, assessment and treatment of varicose and spider veins, and the application of light and energy-based technologies, to name a few. She is qualified as a Certified Management Professional, and a Certified Aesthetic Consultant and is currently undertaking a Master's Degree in Business Administration. Megan serves as our Director of Operations, where she leads our team with the vision of providing unrivalled products and services while utilizing the concepts of the "Improving Your Business Through a Culture of Health" program from the Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health.