Top 10 Common Skin Problems
If you’re living with skin problems, you’re probably facing a lot more challenges than people think. Individuals with recurring dermatological issues potentially face a number of emotional hurdles as well, including things like depression and lack of confidence.
Luckily, there are answers. The dermatology field has advanced by leaps and bounds and can provide solutions for a large number of skin conditions. The first step is pinpointing exactly what the issue is. You can then seek out the proper medical help you need.
To help you on your road to clearer skin, we’ve compiled a list of the most common dermatology problems and their symptoms.
Let’s get started.
1. Acne
Definitely the most well-known of all dermatology problems, most of us went through some degree of acne during adolescence. However, acne can persist well into adulthood and become more than just a few pimples.
Acne happens when the area between your pores and oil glands get clogged. Depending on the severity, this may happen on the face, neck, shoulders, and back. The symptoms, which are easy to spot, consist of whiteheads and blackheads. More severe cases result in sores deep under the surface of the skin. This is referred to as cystic acne.
2. Eczema
This condition, also called atopic dermatitis, can affect both children and adults. The condition is usually chronic, but the symptoms and flare-ups come and go.
There’s no cure for eczema, but a dermatologist can provide relief and help reduce the symptoms.
Eczema may appear all over the body and causes dry, itchy skin along with red, rash-like patches. You may also experience tiny bumps that secrete fluid. This condition tends to accompany hay fevers or asthma, so make sure you tell your dermatologist if you have either of these.
3. Psoriasis
This is one of the more severe dermatology problems on this list. Psoriasis can be disfiguring and very uncomfortable, but there are ways to reduce the symptoms. This is a genetic disease, so find out if there’s a history of it in your family.
A person with psoriasis experiences an excess buildup of skin tissue. This creates a red, splotchy appearance with flaking skin on the affected areas. It’s common for psoriasis to first appear on knees or elbows, but, it can also spread to other areas of the body including the scalp, hands, and chest.
4. Sunburn
When you think about dermatology problems, you probably don’t consider sunburn. However, a severe sunburn can be extremely damaging and may require medical attention.
Prevention is the best approach when dealing with sunburn, so make sure you always use a strong sunscreen. This is important, as frequent sunburns could result in a higher risk of skin cancer.
If you notice blistering and swelling, you have a bad sunburn. You may also get a headache or fever. You should apply aloe to your burns, but if you feel you need more intensive care, see your dermatologist.
5. Hives
Unlike psoriasis, which is a genetic condition, hives occur as a reaction to a number of possible external factors. You may get hives after an insect bite, or if you have a bad reaction to certain foods or medications. Hives appear as red welts on the skin. They’re typically raised and very itchy.
It’s possible for hives to go away on their own, but in some cases, they last for months. In this case, you’ll need medical help. Your dermatologist may recommend an antihistamine along with topical ointment.
6. Shingles
The virus that’s responsible for chickenpox also causes this uncomfortable skin condition. In fact, if you’ve already had chickenpox, you have the potential of getting shingles. This is because the virus will lie dormant in your body your entire life.
Shingles result in a rash that typically covers your chest and back. It can also affect your arms and legs. Along with the rash, you’ll likely experience fever and headache.
7. Cold Sores
This condition is also known as herpes simplex. As a cold sore, this virus gets transmitted through close contact.
While there’s no cure, your dermatologist could prescribe medication that will stop flare-ups and prevent them from returning.
Cold sores manifest themselves as red blisters, typically around the mouth. Many times, multiple sores appear at once. An outbreak could last for up to three weeks.
8. Rosacea
This is a chronic skin disorder with no known cure at the moment. However, doctors have figured out how to treat Rosacea in order to reduce the symptoms.
There four types of Rosacea, all with different side-effects. Your dermatologist will need to diagnose your specific type.
The most common symptom involves red bumps on the skin. This usually happens on the cheeks, nose, and forehead. These symptoms come in cycles and can affect the skin for weeks or months before subsiding.
9. Contact Dermatitis
Some dermatology problems are actually caused by outside elements contacting the skin. These elements could be laundry detergents or products you put on your skin like soaps and makeup. Many of these products contain chemicals that can cause contact dermatitis.
Sometimes, when certain chemicals in makeups and lotions are exposed to the sun, it causes a reaction on the skin. Even certain types of jewellery can be a problem if you have an allergic reaction to them.
Symptoms of contact dermatitis include everything from redness and swelling to blisters and itching in the area of contact with the foreign substance.
10. Basel Cell Carcinoma
Your epidermis is lined with basal cells whose function is to replenish old skin cells.
Basel cell carcinoma is a type of cancer that affects these cells. While it’s rare for this type of cancer to spread to other areas, it can still cause damage to the infected region.
This type of skin cancer usually affects areas that are frequently exposed to the sun. Tumours on the skin look like sores, bumps, or areas of red discolouration. It’s important to visit your dermatologist immediately if you feel you have basal cell carcinoma.
Get Solutions to Your Dermatology Problems
In addition to being uncomfortable, skin issues can be embarrassing, and also get worse if untreated. This good thing is that most problems can be treated by an experienced dermatologist.
If you have a skin problem that requires medical attention, we can help. Contact us today to learn more.