VitaminDrip | Benefits Of IV Vitamin Therapy
The average person is living a pretty busy life every day. We get up (often late because we hit the snooze button too many times), we rush out of the house with either a sub-par breakfast or none at all, get a coffee at the drive-thru and continue rushing through our days at the office.
Sometimes we break for lunch (but is it nutrient dense?). Other times we skip it and grab a power bar.
The chaos doesn’t stop when we get home either. Those with kids rush around for meetings, sports and other activities, putting together whatever is quickest for dinner. Those without kids might have to rush off to a second job or other commitment.
So why does all of this matter? It matters because one important thing is consistently taking a back burner in most people’s lives…their health.
Think hard for a second about the following questions. How often do you eat a nutritious, nutrient dense breakfast? Lunch? Dinner? How often do you cook a healthy meal at home? How often do you eat a balanced meal of protein, good carbs, good fats and vitamin rich fruits and veggies? How often do you make exercise a priority?
It’s okay, you’re not the only one.
The average person is too busy and caught up in daily life that they don’t even give their nutrition a second thought. “Well I ate today, so that’s all that matters.” But this is far from the truth.
Simply consuming food isn’t enough to fuel your body with what it truly needs to not just survive, but thrive. We need a good balance of vitamins, minerals, good fats, proteins and enough water and exercise each day to thrive.
This is where great treatments like IV vitamin therapy come into play. An easy (and relatively quick) way to give your body those much needed vitamins that it’s missing.
A serious vitamin deficiency and unbalanced diet can cause:
- Brittle hair and nails
- Bleeding gums
- Dry skin, scaly patches and dandruff
- Poor night vision
- Hair loss (sometimes severe)
- Fatigue
- Restless leg syndrome
- Bone pain
- Slow healing wounds
- Anemia
These are just a few of the most common symptoms caused by a deficiency in different types of vitamins and many people experience one or more of them. Those that suffer with certain diseases may experience more severe symptoms when they become vitamin deficient.
So What is IV Vitamin Therapy and What Are The Benefits?
IV therapy using products like Vitamindrip®, is a treatment done intravenously (through an IV in your arm). The treatment is enjoyable, pain free and SO good for you! You get to sit back and relax while your body gets all the vitamins it’s been so desperately missing.
A properly trained naturopathic Dr will work with you to figure out your personal needs and what will benefit you the most. They closely consider your past medical history and any current conditions before administering the drip. No two bodies are the same, so it’s important that you get a “cocktail” that best suits your body.
Vitamindrip® has treatments for hydration, mood support, athletic performance, energy, recovery, diet and detox, brain health and more. Many athletes such as runners, boxers, body builders, football players and hockey players swear by treatments and use them to enhance performance and recover from extreme bouts of exercise.
There is a vitamin mix for everyone! These treatments have been used to improve overall health and some of the following:
- Stress
- Burnout
- Fatigue
- Anxiety
- Aging
- Migraines
- Allergies
- Chronic disease
- Viral & bacterial illnesses
- Detoxification
- Asthma
- Chronic pain
Other Benefits To IV Vitamin Therapy with Vitamindrip®
Vitamindrip® is not just another product to mask symptoms. It’s a treatment that works to prevent them.
As we mentioned before, these treatments are not done by just anyone and this is not a “kit” you can purchase and do at home. These vitamin therapy treatments are done in a clinic, by a trained naturopathic doctor. Your current health condition and past history are carefully considered before any drip will be administered.
Quick in more ways than one. Not only do patients see results and feel a difference quicker than taking vitamins in pill form, but the treatments themselves are quick. A typical treatment will take roughly 30-60 minutes and you’ll start to feel the difference in as little as a few hours!
If you have a daily prescription to take, you probably know how easy it is to forget it or what a pain it can be to add an extra step to your morning routine. IV therapy eliminates the need to add daily vitamins to your list of things to remember and overtime will reduce the amount you spend on vitamins.
Is It For You?
Ageless Living Cold Lake now offers Vitamindrip® in our clinic. Even if you’re unsure if these treatments are for you, a consultation at the clinic will quickly determine the best solution for your body’s needs. If you have any of the symptoms we mentioned and feel like an IV vitamin therapy treatment might be the answer you’ve been searching for, then contact our Cold Lake office today to book your consultation.